Thursday, September 10, 2015

Managing Stress

Evidently, planning any major event is a significant source of stress. Throw in the fact that you will be the center of attention, you're committing your life to one person until death separates you and the wedding industry tells you that you have to have the bash of a lifetime, and you will quickly find that the stress grows exponentially. We often get so consumed by the superficial details and forget to take care of ourselves. Below, I will give some pointers for stress relief. Some of these I made sure to follow, others I wish I had taken my own advice. 

Take a day off from wedding planning - Unless you're having a shotgun wedding, you likely have at least 9 months and maybe even as long as 18 months to plan. You do not have to live, breathe and sleep wedding plans from 'Yes' to 'I do'. If you feel overwhelmed, take a break. The last thing you want is to resent the fact that you're planning a wedding. Your fiance won't appreciate the "this sucks" chorus you'll be singing if you're hating the process. 

Work on your friendships - Your bridesmaids have lives too. Their problems didn't magically disappear because you got engaged. Get together with your friends for something other than wedding errands. Ask them how they are doing and offer them help if you can. Your marriage may last forever, but your wedding will only be for a day. Don't alienate people. As busy as you will be, the last thing you want is to lose your support system. 

Know what you can afford - Nothing creates stress like tight purse strings. If you're putting everything on your credit card, you know eventually, you'll have to pay it off. If 250 people sent their RSVPs back saying they will attend and you know you can only afford 200 guests, you will start losing sleep about coming up with the money for the other 50 people. However, if you are sticking to your budget and you know that your activities will not create a financial strain, that's one less thing you have to worry about.

Be nice to your partner - Don't do things that will create friction between you. After all, he's your #1 fan and support system, so if you have to avoid fighting with anyone, it should be that person. There will be plenty of things to disagree about, so pick your battles. 

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